Thursday, April 6, 2017

Updates and Playing with Premiere

As of right now, I am officially done filming. Well, that's not exactly true. I have to get one more shot that is simple and only involves having the credits for who produced and filmed by. Obviously, since I am working alone, most of the credits will have only my name. However, for who produced the short intro, I'm probably going to create a logo for Fire Spark Films and have that with the name as one of the credits, something plain like the sketch below. I don't want to spend too much time on the logo since I still have to edit, but it would be a nice touch to the film. 
Possible Logo
Speaking of the gigantic beast that is editing, I've decided to use Premiere Pro's free trial instead of Windows Movie Maker. The reasoning behind this is to create a more professional look to my piece. I also want to play with the different elements that a more advanced editing software can offer me. Although it is a professional program, Premiere Pro does come with a caveat or two. I have limited knowledge in using such a software. And by limited I mean none whatsoever. Thus, I would have to learn even the most basic actions. This will take up time of course. But, I do have some help. My friend is in the school's television class, CBTV, and was certified in Premiere Pro as part of the class. So with his help and a vast amount of Youtube tutorials, I think the editing process will go as smooth as it possibly could.
Playing with the color settings 
As for what I want to use Premiere Pro for, one feature would be the coloring effects it has. By utilizing this and changing the hues of the shots, I can affect how the audience feels and further emphasize the mood of the production. For this though, I would have to do a little more research on the psychology of colors and emotions. As for now, I've been toying around with the settings of some shots in Premiere and I'm rather pleased with the results. When altering the colors, I'm not only expressing the tone, but also giving the film a cleaner and professional look.

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